Key strategies for analyzing and increasing margin.
Sales Secrets of Smart Retail Companies

Retail operations have traditionally worked like this: Store managers trend their sales history to determine a sales plan and send their buyers out to purchase inventory to support the plan.
How Sustainable Fashion Spurs High-End Retail

By Matt Pruitt, Senior Analyst I’ve talked before about the generational change in consumers, from Baby Boomers to millennials, and the challenges some retailers face in embracing this new market.
How Proper Merchandise Flow Affects Your Bottom Line

As we enter Q4, spring buying continues. But remember, how you schedule receipts will have a great effect on your company’s bottom line. Over the years many retailers have asked
The Big Difference Between Brick and Mortar & Online

It’s interesting to see online success stories, like Warby Parker and Bonobos, opening real world stores, and reversing the traditional retail trajectory. We’re often asked if online players face hurdles