The holiday season is quickly upon us so it’s a good time to check in with

The Big Picture Even though inflation ticked up slightly last month, recording a 3.2% increase for

Hefty credit card processing fees are an unfortunate fact of life for most retailers, but that

The Big Picture Overall retail sales continue to be steady this summer, with June representing a

Meteorologists are already warning that 2023 looks to be the hottest year on record, and the

The Big Picture Overall retail sales notched up by 0.3% in May compared to April, and

While the emergence of ChatGTP has pushed artificial intelligence (AI) into the headlines, this technology has

The Big Picture Overall retail sales rose by 0.4% last month, coming in equal to the

Since China lifted its COVID-related lockdowns earlier this year, the luxury market has rebounded. Chinese consumers

The Big Picture March’s inflation figure of 5% growth was the lowest rate in two years,

Now that one of the longest sales streaks we’re ever recorded has begun to cool, it’s

The Big Picture It has been a bumpy few weeks in the U.S. economy, with regional