Meet The Portal
Your critical data is just a click away with our complete online reporting tool, the Blacks’ Portal.
Review your sales, Open to Buy (OTB), receipts, and on-order to date.
The Portal also gives you seasonal forecasts to help with your budget and planning needs.
In addition to top-line department level reports, you can also see more granular data at the sub-class level, allowing you to pinpoint the performance of specific products and categories.

Financial Planning, Made Easy
In addition to being able to access your sales, trends, and OTB plans in the Portal 24/7, Blacks’ clients also have access to our proprietary Cash Flow Generator.
This is an online financial planning tool that allows you to accurately forecast your cash flow up to 12 months out, taking in account not only your sales and liabilities, but accounts receivables, payment terms, open-to-buy, and more.
What our clients say...
– Store Owner, Boston